Natsumi's answers

1) If Yabu was...
... a time of day, he would be..
. an evening person cause I think that time suits him well. Mysterious and Yabu-kun is a gentlemen(read the magazines), He is made up of Sugar and Candy.
... a season, he would be ...winter because he is mysterous, Sweet and Romantic like Yabu-kun!
... an animal, he would be... a puppy~ Cute and Innocent!
... a flower, he would be... Rose because it is sweet and romantic like Yabu-kun's character
... a kind of weather, he would be... the rain.Raining cools the hot day and I think it is like Yabu-kun character.
... a sound, he would be... the sound of the rain. Because to me if I hear the pitter patter sound of the rain I would see Yabu-kun's smiling face and be happy again.
... a place, he would be... a park. An interesting place. anything could happen in a park and also a park is a fun place. Most people enjoy it there.
... a taste, he would be... Better sweet! Because Yabu-kun is cool(that's bitter)and sweet(because he is romantic and kind)
... a scent, he would be... Sweet like him. ^^
... a color, he would be... purple! He did say he likes purple. Purple is a romantic colour

2) How do you see Yabu? (make a short description of Yabu with his virtues and faults)

I see Yabu as a leader,but when he was young he was a spoilt brat(cause he said so). I see him as a good,kind and gentle guy and no one can replace him in my heart!

3) How has Yabu changed from 2003 to now?

He changed from a spoilt brat to a fine young gentlemen and his cute voice has cracked into a sexy plus hot voice.Not only that he has grown taller and super handsome now.

4) Is Yabu leader material? Yes/No, because...

Yes,He has been in Johnny's since 2001 and has been the leader in Ya-Ya-yah and has experinced many years of leadership.

5) Do you think Yabu has an important role in HSJ, or a lesser role than he had in Ya-Ya-yah?

I think he is important in both HSJ and Ya-Ya-yah because he was the leader in Ya-Ya-yah and in HSJ he is one of the most important people in the group because he is like the leader and big brother in the group.

6) How do you think Yabu has taken the break-up of Ya-Ya-yah and his debut with HSJ?

I think Yabu was really sad that Ya-Yah-yah broke up... Even when Taiyou quit Yabu-kun was really sad but on the bright side Hikaru-kun is now with him in HSJ and there are also 8 other members to make him happy ^^

submitted by Natsumi

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