Sportznutt7's answers

1. If Yabu was...
... a time of day, he would be sunrise. He makes everyday bright. He’s not too quiet and intriguing like the night; he’s also not too hyperactive like noon. And if you’ve ever seen a sunrise, you can’t deny it’s beautiful. It marks the start of a brand new day, a pure innocent day not yet marred by blemishes. And that’s what I think of when I look at Yabu-kun. =]
... a season, he would be spring, the season of birth and new growth. Yabu has definitely changed and grown a lot these past five years, and I know he will continue to do so in the years to come. Plus he always seems youthful, the way he looks and the way he acts.
... an animal, he would be a horse! (It’s just a coincidence that he’s born in the year of the horse.) A horse represents power, grace, endurance, beauty, nobility, strength, and freedom. Yabu has always seemed carefree and even majestic at times. He knows what he wants and reaches for his goals. And he’s a great dancer.
... a flower, he would be a chrysanthemum. In Japan, single-flowered chrysanthemum is the Emperor’s symbol. I think this suits Yabu very well since he carries a royal air about him. Chrysanthemums also mean mean happiness, love and cheerfulness, which is precisely what I think of when I look at Yabu-kun’s cute smile.
... a kind of weather, he would be sunny and warm, but not too hot because Yabu is just right.
... a sound, he would be a musical jewelry box, the ones that play music when you wind it up. The music is beautiful and sometimes a little sad because it makes you reminisce on childhood memories and memories of the past.
... a place, he would be Paris, the most popular tourist attraction in the world. Yabu-kun is sophisticated and romantic, just like the city. Also, both Yabu and Paris are epitomes of beauty, and they both have interesting histories.
... a taste, he would be freshly picked peaches. Super juicy! Also, the peach is a symbol of longevity, prosperity, and happiness. I wish Yabu-kun an auspicious and long life!
... a scent, he would be cinnamon. Yabu-kun is sweet and spicy at times, and he can enhance the “flavor” of the performance.
... a color, he would be red! (which happens to be his favorite color) Red is a symbol of heroism, courage, love, power, warmth, and fire. Red is also a symbol of importance in Asian cultures. I think the adjectives describe Yabu-kun in every way. He would not be where he is today unless he was brave and willing to take risks; he is definitely important in JE. And he seems to radiate warmth because you can’t help smiling when you see him perform. As an example, when I showed the Sekai ga hitotsu ni naru made performance to my mom and my friends, every single one of them smiled. And I gave one of my teachers the Yuuki 100 single, and she keeps singing it during class. XD So yes, I think Yabu-kun definitely chose his favorite color well.

2. How do you see Yabu?

Yabu is extremely talented; he seems to have been made for the entertainment world and knows how to take the spotlight very well. He is also born with the gift of singing and dancing very well. He is dedicated in his work. On top of that, he has the cutest smile in the world. When he smiles, his eyes turn into slits, and his face literally looks like n_n. However, Yabu is human too, and he admits he is spoiled by everyone, especially his senpais. He is also self-conscious and claims he does not always know the right thing to say. All of these virtues and vices make up the boy named Yabu that we love. He may be difficult to comprehend at times, but I look forward to the surprises he will bring.

3. How has Yabu changed from 2003 to now?

Yabu-kun has changed tremendously since 2003, but in some aspects, he is still the same. Yabu has grown almost 40 centimeters in these past years, and he has matured. He is no longer so arrogant and jerky. He used to be more extroverted than he is now, and he seems to have lost confidence after his voice broke (but we still love you Yabu-kun!). He used to be a super-cute chibi, but now he can be cute and sexy. He has the most adorable smile-that hasn’t changed. ^__^

4. Is Yabu leader material?

Yes, I believe Yabu is leader material. Since he wrote “Asu e” with all 4 of their names in it, he shows that he cares about all of them and the group as a whole. He knows how to attract attention, how to smile at the camera, and how to entertain the audience. He also seems to carry a charming aura around himself and is very composed.

5. Do you think Yabu has an important role in HSJ, or a lesser role than he had in Ya-Ya-yah?

I think Yabu has a lesser role in HSJ than he had in Ya-Ya-yah. He was the first capital Y in Ya-Ya-yah and the member with the most camera time and attention. He was always in the front and center. However, in Hey!Say!JUMP, it seems as if Johnny almost decided to throw in Yabu and Hikaru at the last minute. Yabu is usually in the back or the side for photoshoots, and he rarely gets solos now. I think he is probably upset because he enjoys attention and is good at keeping it, as we can see in his various solos and medleys. I hope Yabu gets more opportunities to shine and stand out, and I hope he will be a good older brother to the members of HSJ.

6. How do you think Yabu has taken the break-up of Ya-Ya-yah and his debut with HSJ?

I do not think Yabu has taken the break-up of Ya-Ya-yah and his debut with HSJ as well as he would like us to think. On the outside, especially in front of the screen, Yabu-kun looks very excited and pleased to debut. He has been waiting for this for a very long time, and his once said his goal was stardom. However it is inevitable that this experience is bittersweet. Yabu was in Ya-Ya-yah from the very beginning, and by now, it is part of who he is. I think a part of him, a part of all four members of Ya-Ya-yah, died along with the group. They literally grew up with the group and the show. Yabu may appear like he has a heart of stone, but that is not true. He mentioned that he could not help shedding a few tears while singing Sekai ga hitotsu ni naru at their 2005 concert because it held so many memories for him. If he was emotional over that, he definitely shed more tears over the break-up of Ya-Ya-yah. Even though he might be devastated over the recent events, Yabu continues to work hard in whatever he does, and I wish him success in everything.

submitted by Sportznutt7

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